Monday, April 11, 2005

Memory Elapse

The recurring nightmare came to me last night. In my dream, my cat died all over again. She held in her last deep breath, then her little body hopelessly collapsed on the floor. I woke up feeling disoriented.

My friend tried to comfort me: "You will forget it soon." I fell into silence.

I can't forget, and I don't want to forget. I am terrified that one day I would wake up, and not remembering what she was like and what she meant to me. The thought of losing her eternally in my memory tears me apart.

The flashbacks of her last days are so vivid as if it was yesterday. It causes me tremendous pain each time I allow myself to bring back the memory. Yet I'd rather miss her terribly much than not remembering her.

So then, let be the nightmare. It can come and go as it wishes.


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- Norman

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